Fraud Result Codes

Fraud Result Codes

Result CodeCategoryResult Message
V073VoidNo fraud check completed
V031ApprovedApproved - An attribute associated with an Order matched a pre-configured "Always Accept" rule.
V074ApprovedCase manager approved transaction
V075DelayCase manager delayed case management
V034ChallengeA combination of customized rules and neural-based fraud assessments has determined the card usage is suspicious and possibly fraudulent.
V035Challenge A customized rule in the ReDShield Velocity Rules Engine returned a CHALLENGE response.
V037Challenge A combination of customized rules and neural-based fraud assessments has determined the card usage is questionable and possibly fraudulent. The overall ReDShield assessment has fallen into a "gray area", as defined by Retail Decisions and the Client. 
V036Deny A combination of customized rules and neural-based fraud assessments has determined the card usage is suspicious and possibly fraudulent and the card number appeared in a Retail Decisions card database.
V032Deny The card number appeared in a bank or card association negative file database.
V033Deny An attribute associated with an Order matched a pre-configured "Always Deny" rule.
V038Deny The card number associated with the Order was found in a Retail Decisions card database.
V039Deny Velocity or Rules Threshold Violation – An attribute associated with an Order has exceeded a preconfigured rules threshold.
V040Deny Tumbling and/or Swapping Pattern Detected – The ReDShield Tumbling and Swapping engine detected an unusual usage pattern in the card number, expiration date, or customer email address associated with a transaction.
V041Deny The transaction has been flagged in a screening database.
V068Deny Case manager rejected transaction -  Customer Request
V069Deny Case manager rejected transaction -  Confirmed Fraudulent
V070Deny Case manager rejected transaction -  No Customer Response
V071Deny Case manager rejected transaction -  CCC Re Cancel
V072Deny Case manager rejected transaction -  Inadequate Verification
V076Deny Case manager rejected transaction -  Fraudulent – Bank deleted txn – donot reverse
V014Error An internal ReDShield error has occurred. Contact ReD Support
V043ErrorThe format of a particular field is invalid or a required input field is missing.  Please check your transaction string
V050ErrorFraud: Invalid Card Type
V051ErrorFraud: Invalid Merchant ID
V052ErrorFraud: Invalid Expiration Date
V053ErrorFraud: Invalid Country 
V054ErrorFraud: Invalid Currency
V055ErrorFraud: Invalid Card Number
V056ErrorFraud: Invalid UserID, must be less than 17
V057ErrorFraud: Invalid CustomerID, must be less than 17
V058ErrorFraud: Invalid Customer Birth Date
V059ErrorFraud: Invalid Customer Email Address
V060ErrorFraud: Invalid Customer Phone Number
V061ErrorFraud: Invalid Customer First Name
V062ErrorFraud: Invalid Ship Method Code
V063ErrorFraud: Invalid Item Product Code
V064ErrorFraud: Invalid Item Description
V065ErrorFraud: Invalid Item Cost Amount
V066ErrorFraud: Invalid Item Quantity
V067ErrorFraud: Invalid Item Amount
V008ErrorFraud provider is down

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