

For those who just want to jump in and start playing with PayU integration.

1. Decide how you are going to integrate

a) The the fastest way to get going with PayU - Shopping cart plugins


b) If you want to do the job yourself - Custom integration

Might we suggest you try the 'Redirect Payment Page' before you go the Enterprise API route. Here is why: We did most of the heavy lifting already.  It should be as easy as crafting a SOAP message and exposing a web service that PayU can call to update your order's payment status. If you don't believe me take a look at the github examples. This is a very good starting point for those of you who are looking at using Easy Merchant and PayU Business.

c) Processing payments from a mobile platform - Mobile platform SDK's


2. Where can test details/credentials be found.

All test credentials can be found on the test credentials page.

Error codes can be found on our error code page

3. Test it

Yes, we mean that. To help you we have some basic test cases.

4. Customise the PayU payment page

So you decided to use the 'Redirect Payment Page' method?  This means you can customise certain elements of the PayU payment page.  Sorry, folks, if you go the Enterprise API route the user interface implementation is completely in your hands.

5. What to do once your integration is finished. 

Profit of course! But before that you had best make sure all the necessary documentation (call us about this) is done and your configuration is pointing to the live transacting servers not the test ones.

6. Where do you view and manage your transactions?

Once integration is complete, you can manage you transactions using the PayU merchant portal located at merchantportal.payu.co.za. If your store is 3D Secure enabled, please make sure to refer to the 3D Secure guide in order to acquaint yourself on how to manage these transactions. 

7. Where do you find support/assistance

The merchant FAQ section should be your first stop. If does not resolve your query feel free to contact our support centre.

One last thing before you start coding:

You will notice a couple of terms during your stay with us and our handy Glossary and this detailed discussion should help you out.  The following warrant extra attention though: 'Auth', 'Reserve', 'Settle', and 'Finalise'.

Auth / Reserve:

They are roughly equivalent. 'Auth' is the banking side of things, 'Reserve' is our internal term.  They both mean the funds are no longer available to be spent, but have not been transferred to the merchant's account.

Settle / Finalize:

If a transaction is 'Finalised' or 'Settled' the money has moved from the customer to the merchant's account.  'Settle' is the more common term in banking circles.  'Finalise' is the PayU term for the same concept.

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