Term: | Acronym: | Definition: |
Value Added Service | VAS | e.g.: Buying airtime. |
Enterprise | ENT | Enterprise PayU merchants that are not redirected out of their site for payments. |
Redirect Payment Page | RPP | RPP PayU merchants that are redirected out and then back to their sites for payments. |
Merchant Handshake | Handshake | Merchants handshake to access PayU data e.g. : Any payment method must have a handshake. |
| Manager |
| Phisard |
Credit card | CC |
Trouble Login in | TLI |
Setup Box | STB |
Rolling Reserve | RR | This is a portion of each transaction that is held back by PayU to prevent losses being incurred when Chargebacks occur for PayU Easy Merchants. |
Rolling Reserve Hold Period | RRP | This is the period in which a Rolling Reserve is held back before it is settled to an PayU Easy Merchant. |
Payment Card Industry | PCI | Credit Card issuers (e.g. Visa, Mastercard, etc.) |
Data Security Standards | DSS | A framework from the Payment Card Industry containing specifications, tools, measurements and support resources to help organizations ensure the safe handling of cardholder information at every step. |
PayU Easy | PE | The PayU product offering that allows "small" merchants to accept credit card transactions without having their own Credit Card Acquiring Account. All funds for these Merchants will be receipted into PayU's acquiring account and then settled to the Merchant at agreed upon intervals. |
Merchant Acquirer | MA | Essentially the Merchant Acquirer is a Bank that acts like a large switch protecting the merchant from having to understand all the detail of all the different card schemes, (VISA, Maestro, etc, etc.). |
Retailer Payments |
| Two forms of retailer payments: |
Instant Payment Notification | IPN | Used to notify merchants about the state of a transaction. |
DPS | ||
Mobile Orders Telephone Orders | MOTO | |
PayU Easy | PE | |
Own acquiring | ||
Multi-tender | Using more than one payment method to settle one transaction. | |
eXtensible Markup Language | XML | It is defined in the XML specification, which is developed by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium). It facilitates the representation of complex data in a structured manner. You can read more here: |
Simple Object Access Protocol | SOAP | Is a communication protocol based on XML. You can read more here: |