Real-Time Recurring Credit Card (RPP)

Real-Time Recurring Credit Card (RPP)

This page serves as a supplementary guide for integrating Real-Time Recurring Credit Card transaction payment into the redirect payment flow and is to be read in conjunction with the PayU Redirect integration documentation.


PayU Real-Time Recurring (RTR) transaction processing is a card processing solution where the merchant is allowed to deduct specified amounts from a card holder's account as agreed between card holder and merchant with or without the card holder initiating the actual transaction. Real-Time Recurring (RTR) Credit Card transaction solution is available on the PayU payment system via both the API and responsive channel through tokenised redirect integration. Please consult with PayU Sales for more information.

Real-Time recurring transactions are set-up by providing full card data (Card holder provide during agreement process on PayU hosted payment page) for transaction authorisation initially and on subsequent transactions only the card number or tokenised version is required to authorise payment to the merchant. To remove PCI risk to merchants PayU offers RTR as a tokenised payment solution. The card details will be encrypted by PayU and stored in a token which should be stored against a merchant user profile for future recurring transactions. Future transactions can happen via administrative process(subscriptions) or redirect on-line transactions where card holder launch payment process.

Merchants using Real-Time Recurring transactions are always liability for charge-backs from issuers. For some chargeback risk reduction Real-Time Recurring transactions can be paired with eCommerce transactions with Secure 3D during the setup transaction. More details below on the flows. Enterprise merchants needs to manage the flow, for redirect merchants PayU will ensure correct flow is applied based on transaction perimeters.

Merchant Requirement

Merchant will need to have the following in place before attempting Real-Time Recurring integration. 

  • User profile system with secure login process for merchant users.
  • Capabilities to store one or more PayU created payment tokens against user profiles.
  • Back-end processing capability to process recurring subscription transactions. (Optional and only required for subscription type transactions)

Additional considerations:

Redirect Integration: No sensitive card holder data will be exposed to the merchant, all card capturing happens at PayU. The merchant can still process back-end transactions via Enterprise API by making use of the tokens.

To ensure integration is a smooth process please ensure that integration is first completed and tested on the PayU Staging platform before switching to production.

setTransaction amendments for Real-Time Recurring Credit Card Transactions (RTR)

Setup Call: No token exist at this time.

Merchants will need to make the following amendments to the normal setTransaction API call in order to do Real-Time Recurring Credit Card transactions with and without tokens on the PayU platform.  

  • Secure3d= TRUE/FALSE
  • SupportedPaymentMethods= CREDITCARD_TOKEN
  • merchantUserId = Identifying value at merchant

  • Customfield

    • key = processingType



Request items to consider
<Customer FirstName="John" LastName="Doe" CountryCode="27" Mobile="27999220020" MerchantUserId="Merch000001"/>
  <Customfield Key="processingType" Value="REAL_TIME_RECURRING"/>


Integration payment sequence/flow

When developing a solution with PayU's redirect some de-risking of transactions can be done be performing a transaction.

Set-up flow with Secure 3D de-risking:

Real-time recurring transaction chargeback risk is with the merchant. In order to validate card holder and de-risk the recurring transaction a normal eCommerce transaction can be done prior to a recurring set-up transaction. With redirect transactions PayU will handle all the the necessary actions required provided the setTransaction call include the instruction to perform Secure 3D authentication.

  • Step 1
    • Merchant user logged into Merchant user management system.
  • Step 2
    • User makes product selections, proceeds to checkout and selects to complete transaction.
      • Merchant system sends setTransaction call to PayU.
        • Secure3d = TRUE, SupportedPaymentMethods= CREDITCARD_TOKEN, merchantUserId=MerchantSuppliedIDValue, processingType=REAL_TIME_RECURRING
      • Merchant site redirects user to PayU hosted payment pages.
    • PayU displays required page, allows user to capture card and perform necessary Secure 3D actions, perform recurring setup and tokenise card for future transactions.
  • Step 3
    • On redirect back to the merchant a getTransaction and/or IPN is used to perform lookup of the transaction outcome and token value. Merchant saves this token against the merchantUserId.
  • Step 4
    • Merchant display results and update transaction status as required.

Set-up flow without any de-risk (Fraud checks can be added)

Real-time recurring transaction chargeback risk is with the merchant. In this flow the merchant might perform other fraud check and do not have the requirement for additional de-risking.

  • Step 1
    • Merchant user logged into Merchant user management system.
  • Step 2
    • User makes product selections, proceeds to checkout and selects to complete transaction.
      • Merchant system sends setTransaction call to PayU.
        • Secure3d = FALSE, SupportedPaymentMethods= CREDITCARD_TOKEN, merchantUserId=MerchantSuppliedIDValue, processingType=REAL_TIME_RECURRING
      • Merchant site redirects user to PayU hosted payment pages.
    • PayU displays required page, allows user to capture card and perform recurring setup and tokenise card for future transactions.
  • Step 3
    • On redirect back to the merchant a getTransaction and/or IPN is used to perform lookup of the transaction outcome and token value. Merchant saves this token against the merchantUserId.
  • Step 4
    • Merchant display results and update transaction status as required.

Transaction flow for recurring transactions beyond set-up (Front end - user driven)

This flow allows the merchant to enable a quick checkout experience by sending a token to PayU for a recurring transaction. The user needs to provide permission for a quick checkout via recurring transaction and the merchant accepts all fraud related transaction charge backs.

  • Step 1
    • Merchant user logged into Merchant user management system.
  • Step 2
    • User makes product selections, proceeds to checkout and selects to complete transaction.
      • Merchant system sends setTransaction call to PayU.
        • Secure3d = FALSE, SupportedPaymentMethods= CREDITCARD_TOKEN, merchantUserId=MerchantSuppliedIDValue, processingType=REAL_TIME_RECURRING
      • Merchant site redirects user to PayU hosted payment pages.
    • PayU displays required page, checks if merchantUserId have saved cards, if yes perform recurring transaction. If no card exist setup and tokenise flow is followed.
  • Step 3
    • On redirect back to the merchant a getTransaction and/or IPN is used to perform lookup of the transaction outcome and token value. Merchant updates this token against the merchantUserId if required.
  • Step 4
    • Merchant display results and update transaction status as required.


API call examples

Please refer to the setTransaction API example page for more information


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