Click to pay (RPP)
PayU’s Click to pay integration allows a customer to make a payment for merchant products and services using their stored payment information within their Click to pay account. A consumer would select the Click to pay payment option, login using their email address, select a stored payment method and click Pay.
Transaction Flows
The following transaction flows show the user interaction with PayU after redirecting from your checkout page.
Landing page
Once the customer is redirected from your site, they will be presented with the following page where they are able to select the payment method they wish to use. This page will display all payment methods you have opted for.
Login to Click to pay
When the customer selects to pay using Click to pay, the below pop ups will appear allowing the user to login to their account
Select payment option
The customer will be presented with all their stored payment options and will be required to select one and continue
Authenticate transaction
The user may be required to authenticate the transaction via 3D Secure, if their card is enrolled for 3D Secure
Once the customer has selected their payment option and authenticated if required, the selected option will be displayed and the customer will click Pay now to complete the process
Note: This is the former Visa Checkout payment method which has transitioned to the new Click to pay standard.