Secure 3D requirements on mobile
After careful consideration, PASA has made a decision to exclude ecommerce transactions that are concluded on a mobile device (i.e. mobi site or native application) from the February 2014 mandate for a limited period of 6 months.
This means that:
- E-commerce merchants would not be mandated to submit transactions that are concluded on a mobi site or native application for 3D Secure authentication
- ‘Exempted’ transactions would have to be processed to the Issuer as non-authenticated e-commerce transactions
- The liability for transactions concluded on a mobi site or native application and not routed for 3D Authentication would remain with the merchant (as is currently the case)
For further information, please refer to the 3D Secure Merchant document supporting media statement (DocID_74), as published by the Payments Association of South Africa (PASA).