Installation (Virtuemart)

Installation (Virtuemart)

1. Install Joomla and Virtuemart

To find out more information about installing Virtuemart please visit http://virtuemart.net/ for more information

2. Upload PayU files to Joomla/Virtuemart installation on webserver

Download the PayU/osCommerce plugin from the github repository: https://github.com/PayUMEA/payu-mea-rpp-virtuemart2/archive/master.zip and unzip the downloaded file.

Upload the folders to the base directory for your Joomla/Virtuemart installation.


Copy the following SQL query onto your Joomla database (If your database makes use of prefixes on the tables, please replace <prefix> with your prefix used in your joomla installation

INSERT INTO `<prefix>_extensions` (`name`,`type`, `element`, `folder`, `client_id`, `enabled`, `access`, `protected`, `manifest_cache`, `params`, `custom_data`, `system_data`, `checked_out`, `checked_out_time`, `ordering`, `state`) VALUES ('VM - Payment, PayU Redirect Payment Page' , 'plugin', 'payuRedirectPaymentPage','vmpayment',0,1,1,0, '{"legacy":true,"name":"VM - Payment, PayU Redirect Payment Page","type":"plugin","creationDate":"September 2012","author":"PayU Payment Solutions (Pty) Ltd","copyright":"Copyright (C) 2012 PayU. All rights reserved.","authorEmail":"integration@payu.co.za","authorUrl":"http:\/\/www.payu.co.za","version":"1.0","description":"<a href=\"http:\/\/www.payu.co.za\" target=\"_blank\">PayU<\/a> ","group":""}', '', '', '', 0, '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 0, 0);

3. Virtuemart Payment Gateway Setup

Login to the Joomla administration interface.

Once logged in, select Components > Virtuemart from the main administration menu at the top of the page.


Once on the Virtuemart configuration interface, click on Store > Payment Methods > New.



The Payment Method Form (2.) configuration options for a PayU configuration are:

Configuration Option


Payment Name    

What should be displayed on the frontend to the customer making a payment e.g. Credit Card (Processed by PayU)


Determines if PayU should be available as a payment option on the frontend (checkbox ticked = yes/active)

Payment Description

A description of the payment method

Payment Method

In the dropdown select 'VM - Payment, Payu Redirect Payment Page'


Update the configuration by clicking on the Save (3.) icon and then click on Configuration tab to configure further, displayed below.


Configuration form options:

Configuration Option



Radio indicating which PayU environment to use for transactions (Staging: used testing and integration, Production: used for live/real transactions)


SafeKey in {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} format: (Production value is provided by PayU, Staging value is entered automatically)

SOAP Username

SOAP API Username used in transactions (Production value is provided by PayU, Staging value is entered already and can't be updated)

SOAP Password

SOAP API Password used in transactions (Production value is provided by PayU, Staging value is entered already and can't be updated)

PayU Payment Page Description Prepend

This value is added before the order number and sent to PayU with transactions and will display on invoices

Order Status for Pending Payments

This status will be given to an order once the customer click on the Pay button before redirecting to PayU for payment (By default set to: Pending)

Order Status for Successful Payments

This status will be given to an order once the customer has done a successful payment on the PayU payment interface and successfully redirected back to the merchant’s website. (By default set to: Confirmed)

Order Status for Failed/Cancelled Payments

This status will be given to an order if an error/decline was issued by PayU during the payment process once redirected once the customer has been successfully redirected back to the merchant’s website.


Click on Save.

Once saved, proceed your store front end and follow the purchase process on the frontend.

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