getTransaction (RPP & 3DS API Redirects)
getTransaction Request
In order to confirm transaction status a transaction lookup is provided by PayU. This transaction lookup is compulsory on any redirect integration and optional on API integration but still recommended to return full Secure 3D information where cards are not enrolled and no redirect happened.
getTransaction: Request Parameters
Parameter Name | Description | DataType | Mandatory |
Api | Version of the API. Current Version: 1.0 (SOAP: ONE_ZERO) | String | Y |
Safekey | PayU Merchant Identifier. Provided to merchant upon integration | String | Y |
AdditionalInformation/PayUReference | PayU unique reference number for transaction | String | See note below * |
AdditionalInformation/MerchantReference | MerchantReference supplied for transaction | String | See note below * |
getTransaction: SOAP request example
See getTransaction Request and Response SOAP API examples.
getTransaction:Â Response
The response will indicate the transaction state at the time of the request. Should the lookup be done while the transaction is still in progress appropriate responses needs to be interpreted and lookups should be repeated until transaction is in a final state.
getTransaction: Response Parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Data Type |
basket/amountInCents | Total amount of the basket in cents. Format as 1000 for R10.00 | String |
basket/currencyCode | International Currency code. Example: ZAR | String |
basket/description | Basket description that was shown on PayU | String |
customFields/key | Identification for custom field. E.g. Secure3D | String |
customFields/value | Value for custom field. Multiple values can be included per key. Will be comma separated. | String |
customFields/value/ | Card enrollment lookup transaction ID issued by 3rd party authentication server | String |
customFields/value/ | Card enrollment lookup error number if issued by 3rd party authentication server. "0" means successful message flow. | String |
customFields/value/ | Card enrollment lookup error description iflkpErrorNo is not equal to "0". | String |
customFields/value/ | Card enrollment status, possible values "Y","N", "U"
| String |
customFields/value/ lkpEciFlag | Card enrollment lookup ECI value. Future use. Possible values that will be returned "1","2","5","6","7". | String |
customFields/value/ authSend | If transaction is subject to Secure 3D authentication and redirected to authentication server from PayU redirect pages. API integrations will have HTML redirect code returned in the doTransaction call and a value of "true" means that redirect code was provided but not an indication that redirect happened from the merchant checkout page. | String |
customFields/value/ authErrorNo | Cardholder authentication error number if issued by 3rd party authentication server. "0" means successful message flow. | String |
customFields/value/ authErrorDescription | Card authentication error description authErrorNo is not equal to "0". | String |
customFields/value/ authCavv | Card authentication CAVV value returned from 3rd party authentication server. | String |
customFields/value/ authXid | Card authentication transaction ID issued by 3rd party authentication server | String |
customFields/value/ authEciFlag | Card authentication ECI value. Possible values that will be returned "1","2","5","6","7". | String |
customFields/value/ authPAResStatus | Card authentication, possible values "Y", "N", "U", "A"
| String |
*Â Please refer to Secure 3D guidelines for more information plus charge back risk profiles.. | ||
displayMessage | Customer friendly message to display in a browser to the customer | Â String |
merchantReference | Merchant identifier for transaction. | String |
payUReference | PayU unique reference number for transaction | String |
paymentMethodsUsed | Subfields can differ per payment method. To highlight Secure 3D credit card as payment method illustrated here. | String |
paymentMethodsUsed/amountInCents | Total amount of the basket in cents. Format as 1000 for R10.00 | String |
paymentMethodsUsed/cardExpiry | If Credit Card used, this will return card expiry date. | String |
paymentMethodsUsed/cardNumber | If Credit Card used, this will return a masked Credit Card number | String |
paymentMethodsUsed/gatewayReference | If external gateway is used the gateway unique reference referenced here. | String |
paymentMethodsUsed/information | Payment method information (example: Loyalty program name), if credit card then the issuer schema. E.G. VISA, MasterCard, AMEX, Diners. | String |
paymentMethodsUsed/nameOnCard | If Credit Card used, this will return Card holder name of the card | String |
resultCode | Result code returned by PayU for transaction | String |
resultMessage | Result message relating to result code for transaction | String |
successful | Boolean value to determine if the message was successful or not. If the transaction failed the value will be "false" but a value of "true" does not indicate successful financial transaction. Refer to resultCode & resultMessage plus transactionState for transaction state. | Â |
transactionState | The transaction state at the time of lookup.
| String |
transactionType | The type of transaction performed.Â
| String |
PointOfFailure | Indicated on failed transactions where the point of failure was, blank if successful transaction | String |
getTransaction:Â SOAP response example
See getTransaction Request and Response SOAP API examples.