The following steps serves as a guide to do perform a full or partial refund on successful transactions (This is only supported for card, Miles, eBucks, MobiCred and RCS payment types)
Please note : EFT refunds are not supported via the Merchant Portal and must be processed manually/directly between the merchant and the customer.
Portal login
Login here: https://
wwwadminauth_login.doUsingOnce logged in you will have the following menu options
Use the transaction search
formcriteria to identify the transaction you would like to refund.
Select the Credit option from the Actions dropdown list for the transaction you would like to refundThe Credit Transaction popup window will appear with the following options/details:
Partial credit option = Yes | Partial credit option = No |
No : select No if you would like to do a full credit
Yes: slect no if you would like to do a partial credit
You can search by the following or by a combination of the below.
- Date range
- Merchant reference or PayU reference (if using either of these two references, no other qualifying criteria are needed.)
- Store (by default your primary store will be used. If you have multiple merchant stores, you will be able to choose which store you wish to search)
- Type: (Payment, Finalize etc...)
- Status: (Expired, Failed etc...)
- Payment Method: (card, eBucks etc...)
- Basket amount: (here you can specify the exact amount being searched for)
Once the required transaction has been identified:
- Expand the transaction detail
- Click "Credit"
On the following screen you will see confirmation details of the transaction you wish to refund.
You may choose to refund a partial amount by simply entering the desired amount in the provided field, or refund the full amount by select the "credit full amount" tick box.
Once the desired amount is selected, click CREDIT (Agree to any further notices)
Once refunded a successful message will be displayed.