Installation (Magento)

1. Install Magento

To find out more information about installing Magento please for more information

2. Upload PayU files to Magento installation on webserver

Once Magento has been succesfully installed download the PayU's Magento extension. Unzip the zip file and upload the files to your webserver into the root of the Magento installation.


3. Magento Payment Gateway Setup

Login to the Magento administration interface.

Once logged in, select System > Configuration from the main administration menu at the top of the page.


On the configuration interface has loaded click on Advanced > Advanced on the left hand side.


This interface shows a list of all the available Magento plugins. Search for the PayU_RedirectPaymentPage plugin, select Enable (1) and click on the Save Config (2) button

Enabling the payment gateway plugin: PayU Redirect Payment Page

Once saved, click on Sales > Payment Methods on the left hand side. Once all the enabled Payment methods is shown expand the PayU Business (Redirect Payment Page) (3) to show the Payment Method Form (4)

*** If the PayU option is not present, please clear the Magento Cache


The Payment Method Form configuration options for a PayU configuration are :

Configuration Option


Gateway Enabled               

Determines if PayU should be available as a payment option on the frontend (dropdown = yes/active)



What should be displayed on the frontend to the customer making a payment e.g. Credit Card (Processed by PayU)


Staging Environment

Dropdown indicating which PayU environment to use for transactions (Staging: used testing and integration, Production: used for live/real transactions)


SafeKey in {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} format: (Production value is provided by PayU, Staging value is entered already and can't be updated)

SOAP Username

SOAP API Username used in transactions (Production value is provided by PayU, Staging value is entered already and can't be updated)

SOAP Password

SOAP API Password used in transactions (Production value is provided by PayU, Staging value is entered already and can't be updated)

Transaction Type

Transaction type used for transactions (Only the 'PAYMENT' transaction type is currently supported in this plugin/extension)

Payment methods

Payment method used for transactions

Billing Currency

The currency used for transactions (Only the 'ZAR' currency is currently supported in this plugin/extension and value cannot be altered)

PayU Invoice Description Prepend

This value is added before the order number and sent to PayU with transactions and will display on invoices

Notification Email Address

This is the order in which the Payment method will be displayed on the checkout page for the customer

Sort Order

This is the order in which the Payment method will be displayed on the checkout page for the customer

Once the all the options has been configured, click Save Config (5).

Proceed to your store's front end and follow the purchase process on the frontend.