Field Name | Description | Type | Length |
RecordNumber | Represent the entry number in the report file. | Number | 5 |
TransactionRecievedDateTime | The date and time that PayU received the transaction Format: yyyymmddHHmmss (24 hour format) E.g. : 20130208170259 | String | 14 |
TransactionProcessedDateTime | The date and time that PayU processed the transaction at the Acquiring institution. Format: yyyymmddHHmmss (24 hour format) E.g. : 20130208170259 | String | 14 |
Channel | The channel used to perform the Transaction. REDIRECT – Redirect Payment Pages | String | 3 |
PaymentMethodsUsed | A pipe ( | ) separated list of payment methods used to fulfil the transaction requirement. E.g. CREDITCARD|DISCOVERYMILES Please see http://help.payu.co.za for Payment Methods | String | Variable |
TransactionType | The PayU Transaction Type performed Please see http://help.payu.co.za for Transaction Types | String | Variable |
TransactionState | The current state the transaction is in. E.g.: SUCCESSFUL, FAILED Please see http://help.payu.co.za for Transactions States | String | Variable |
ResultCode | The result code gives additional information about the transaction state. Please see http://help.payu.co.za for Error Messages | String | Variable |
Reference | XML tag for all transaction references. Not applicable to CSV. |
Reference/ MerchantReference | The reference as passed into PayU from the Merchant. | String | Variable |
Reference/ PayUReference | The PayU reference linked to this transaction | String | Variable |
Order/AmountInCents | The transaction amount in minor denomination. E.g. R1.50 is represented as 150, credits indicated by negative. R1.50 credit = -150 | String | Variable |
Order/CurrencyCode | An indicator to identify what currency the transaction is. PayU uses 3 character ISO-4127 codes for specifying the currencies. E.g. Rand is represented as ZAR | String | 3 |
CustomFields | Custom fields are repeatable key-value pairs of information the Merchant passes into PayU at transaction time and is echoed in this recon report. For CSV all | String |
CustomField/Key | The key identifying the custom field sent in. | String | Variable |
CustomField/Value | The value of the custom field as defined by the key | String | Variable |
Reference/ RRN | Reference send to the bank.If not applicable to payment method NULL value used. (Please note that for EFT transactions this will be blank/null) | String | Variable |
Report: Trailer Record Definition