Parameter Name | Description | Data type | Required field for request | ||
SetTransactionRequest | RESERVE | PAYMENT | REGISTER_LINK | ||
Api | Version of the API. Current Version: 1.0 (SOAP: ONE_ZERO) | String | Y | Y | Y |
Safekey | PayU Merchant Identifier. Provided to merchant upon integration | String | Y | Y | Y |
TransactionType | The type of transaction being performed: | String | Y | Y | Y |
AdditionalInformation | |||||
MerchantReference | Unique merchant identifier for transaction. | String | Y | Y | Y |
SupportedPaymentMethods | Comma separated list of payment methods to be displayed on the payment page: | String | Y | Y | N |
Secure3d | This will determine if the transaction goes through 3D Secure at the issuing bank. Values: True/False. | String | Y | Y | N |
DemoMode | To determine if the API request should be handled as a demo transaction. Values: True/False. | String | Y | Y | N |
NotificationURL | URL where the merchant would like to be notified of transaction result via IPN (Instant Payment Notification). (max length is 255 characters) | String | N | N | N |
ReturnUrl | URL to return browser to after a customer has completed transaction. (max length is 255 characters) NB: Please note that the ReturnURL is not only for successful payments, it is the page that customers will be returned to post payment regardless of success or failure. Please ensure a GET transaction call is used to confirm the payment status. | String | Y | Y | Y |
CancelUrl | URL to return browser to if a customer cancels a transaction. (max length is 255 characters) | String | Y | Y | Y |
ShowBudget | Determined whether user should be given option to select budget for credit card. Values: True/False | String | N | N | N |
redirectChannel | Valid values: web responsive mobi | String | N | N | N |
Customer | |||||
FirstName | Customer first name | String | N | N | N |
LastName | Customer last name | String | N | N | N |
RegionalId | Regional identifier for customer such as RSA ID | String | N | N | N |
Mobile | Customer Mobile Number in international format without +( eg 27827891248) | String | N | N | N |
Customer Email Address | String | N | N | N | |
MerchUserId | Unique Customer ID in merchant system | String | N | N | Y |
Basket | |||||
Description | Basket description that will show on PayU (min length:3) | String | Y | Y | N |
AmountInCents | Total amount of the basket in cents. Format as 1000 for R10.00 | String | Y | Y | N |
CurrencyCode | International Currency code. Example: ZAR | String | Y | Y | N |
CustomFields | |||||
Key | Identification for custom field. | String | N | N | N |
Value | Value for custom field | String | N | N | N |