responsive redirect channel
Will serve a responsive page.
Only CREDITCARD, EFT, EFT_PRO, and MasterPass payment methods are supported on responsive at the moment.
mobi redirect channel
Will serve a page optimised for mobile devices, but only supports credit card payments and the user does not have to log into the PayU portal.
The use of the mobi and web redirectChannel only applies to existing merchants, for backwards compatibility; and is in the process of being deprecated.
Parameter Name | Description | Data type | Required field for request | ||
SetTransactionRequest | RESERVE | PAYMENT | REGISTER_LINK | ||
Api | Version of the API. Current Version: 1.0 (SOAP: ONE_ZERO) | String | Y | Y | Y |
Safekey | PayU Merchant Identifier. Provided to merchant upon integration | String | Y | Y | Y |
TransactionType | The type of transaction being performed: | String | Y | Y | Y |
AdditionalInformation | |||||
MerchantReference | Unique merchant identifier for transaction. | String | Y | Y | Y |
SupportedPaymentMethods | Comma separated list of payment methods to be displayed on the payment page: | String | Y | Y | N |
Secure3d | This will determine if the transaction goes through 3D Secure at the issuing bank. Values: True/False. | String | Y | Y | N |
DemoMode | To determine if the API request should be handled as a demo transaction. Values: True/False. | String | Y | Y | N |
NotificationURL | URL where the merchant would like to be notified of transaction result via IPN (Instant Payment Notification). (max length is 255 characters) | String | N | N | N |
ReturnUrl | URL to return browser to after a customer has completed transaction. (max length is 255 characters) NB: Please note that the ReturnURL is not only for successful payments, it is the page that customers will be returned to post payment regardless of success or failure. Please ensure a GET transaction call is used to confirm the payment status. | String | Y | Y | Y |
CancelUrl | URL to return browser to if a customer cancels a transaction. (max length is 255 characters) | String | Y | Y | Y |
ShowBudget | Determined whether user should be given option to select budget for credit card. Values: True/False | String | N | N | N |
redirectChannel | Valid values: web responsive mobi | String | N | N | N |
Customer | |||||
FirstName | Customer first name | String | N | N | N |
LastName | Customer last name | String | N | N | N |
RegionalId | Regional identifier for customer such as RSA ID | String | N | N | N |
Mobile | Customer Mobile Number in international format without +( eg 27827891248) | String | N | N | N |
Customer Email Address | String | N | N | N | |
MerchUserId | Unique Customer ID in merchant system | String | N | N | Y |
Basket | |||||
Description | Basket description that will show on PayU (min length:3) | String | Y | Y | N |
AmountInCents | Total amount of the basket in cents. Format as 1000 for R10.00 | String | Y | Y | N |
CurrencyCode | International Currency code. Example: ZAR | String | Y | Y | N |
CustomFields | |||||
Key | Identification for custom field. | String | N | N | N |
Value | Value for custom field | String | N | N | N |